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Cathie’s Story

Meet Cathie, a 60-year-old housewife from Co. Meath. For years, Cathie struggled with weight gain and resultant health issues. She joined Beyondbmi in 2022 and has been using our science-based medical weight-loss services for eight months. 

She graciously agreed to share her story here. She hopes it can help others seeking effective health and weight management intervention and support from the experts.

A Lifetime of Dieting and Trying “All of the Normal Things”

Cathie came to Beyondbmi with a myriad of health issues. She struggled with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She wasn’t very active. It all resulted in poor mobility and heavy eating.

Going the classic dieting route, including Weight Watchers, led her nowhere. “I tried all the normal cutting-back methods and going to the gym, going to the spa and getting body wraps to lose the inches for a wedding and things like that, but, It comes back… five minutes later!” She also tried an over-the-counter weight-loss supplement on her own, making her feel extremely sick.

Getting Started with Beyondbmi

Her doctors were clear about what she needed to do to reduce risks relating to her weight. A chance conversation with Beyondbmi Co-Founder Dr Harriet Treacy introduced Cathie to the Beyondbmi programme. Cathie decided she would become one of the early customers.

Cathie liked that Beyondbmi’s approach didn’t centre around a need to push her to drop the pounds. “It’s not all about weight loss,” she notes. “It’s about keeping your health right, ensuring you’re losing the weight in a healthy way and a healthy environment. And I get to maintain my lifestyle.”

With Beyondbmi’s help, Cathie put together a list of goals beyond weight loss. She wanted to:

  • Be more agile and get around more easily so she could keep up with her family when going for walks on holidays

  • Eating food in comfort so she could still enjoy socialising. 

  • To progress into her sixties feeling good about her health journey.

Results with Beyondbmi

Today Cathie is seeing the results. She is on her customised health plan and meets with her dietitian regularly. With the help of prescription weight-loss medication, her appetite at meals has diminished, and her fullness signals are stronger. “I can eat with more comfort, and know when I’m done,” she says.

Cathie is experiencing many benefits to date:

  • Steady, sustainable weight loss — about ten kilos in total so far.

  • Rising energy levels

  • Clothing fitting more comfortably.

  • Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are slowly dropping.

  • Rising self-esteem

  • Increased mobility

She is also learning more about exercise and how to eat to maintain muscle mass. “The dietitian helps me to take in a certain amount of protein and tells me which workouts to do. Even when I broke my foot, she led me through upper-body exercises to stay on track,” Cathie says. The unexpected isn’t derailing her or forcing her to lose her way on her health journey.

Cathie loves that her Beyondbmi medical team works together and gives her information in a way that is easy to understand. “I was on vacation in Portugal and was able to take 30 minutes on a Zoom call with my dietitian,” she notes. “I can send emails or text messages, and they’ll get back to me and give me what I need.” She loves the ability to keep in touch anywhere.

Can Beyondbmi Help You, Too?

“I’d recommend it to anyone,” Cathie insists. “You’ve probably already tried to fix things yourself and starve to lose weight, which is not a healthy way to do it.” She says having the support of the Beyondbmi team of experts makes all the difference in the world. 

Thank you to Cathie for sharing her story. If you’re feeling inspired, start your Beyondbmi journey today with our quiz.