‘In the News’ Aug ‘24
The Beyondbmi team has been making appearances on the airwaves over the past few months, and their insights and discussions have been truly valuable. We wanted to capture some of the highlights from their appearances in a summary. If you haven't had the opportunity to listen to their discussions, now would be a great time to do so to stay informed on the latest weight loss medication trends and industry news.
Alive and Kicking on Newstalk
Our CEO, Dr Harriet Treacy, was on Newstalk's 'Alive and Kicking' in June and had a really interesting discussion with presenter Clare McKenna about weight loss medication and issues with falsified medication entering the supply chain. Read the WHO warning alert here and you can listen to the full podcast clip here.
The Hard Shoulder
Our CEO and Founder, Dr Harriet Treacy, appeared on Newstalk’s ‘The Hard Shoulder’ in June to discuss the latest WHO report on exercise. The report states that 1.8 billion adults are at risk of disease from insufficient physical activity.
These are staggering numbers and a worrying trend. Harriet emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach to tackling obesity, not just focusing on physical activity alone.
Listen to the whole segment here and read the WHO report here.
The Dietitian Cafe
Beyondbmi's Dr. Werd Al-Najim, a Registered Dietitian who specialises in weight management, and Aisling Morris, a Senior Metabolic Dietitian, appeared on The Dietitian Cafe podcast in May. They discussed the different types of weight management injections and how they function, as well as reviewed the evidence for their efficacy.
For the full interview, check out The Dietitian Cafe, (interview was on Thurs 23rd May).
BBC Sounds
Considering weight management medication? A recent study has found that Semaglutide could also reduce cardiovascular risk by up to 20%. Beyondbmi’s Prof. Alexander Miras explains how it works on his interview with William Crawley for BBC Talkback.
For the full interview, check out Talkback on BBC Sounds (the interview was on 15th May and starts at about 1 hour and 04 mins into the podcast).