Complications of Obesity

Obesity is a disease that affects every organ in the body. But to classify and understand the complications of obesity, we used what we call the three M's.

  1. Mechanical complications of obesity.

  2. Medical complications.

  3. Mental health complications.

The mechanical complications are what affect people on a day-to-day basis.

That is because they have problems like me. Joint pain such as knee or hip pain, or they cannot go up the stairs or play with their children or grandchildren. So this is affecting their quality of life.

The second group of complications are what we call medical complications. These are things like type two diabetes or heart disease, having a heart attack or stroke or even cancer, with obesity a very strong risk factor for cancer development.

And then we will have the mental health complications of obesity can also affect people daily. These include things like depression or anxiety. Or problems with body image dysphoria.

Now. The reason why you are in this program is not just because you want to lose weight is not just because you want to see the scales showing a smaller number.

You're doing the program because you want to improve some of the complications you have from your obesity or prevent them from taking place.


Obesity Treatments